Oxfam Australia

How your campaigning is helping end land grabs

stop land grabs

Photo: Oxfam GB

With your help, Oxfam has been campaigning since September on land grabs, as part of our GROW campaign to for food justice. We wanted the World Bank to take some urgently needed action to help end land grabs in many developing countries, which help keep one in eight people on our planet hungry.

In the last few weeks we’ve made some great progress. This simply wouldn’t have happened without your support and with a little help from our friends at Coldplay.

Here’s what you’ve helped to change:

Big wins

Of course, lots of these promises are just that – promises. The next step for Oxfam is to ensure the Bank delivers. And it doesn’t stop with the World Bank: governments, companies and other institutions all have a part to play too.

Be assured, we’re watching and ready to take action. If we think the Bank isn’t being true to its words, we’ll hold it to account.

Until then, congratulations on getting us several steps closer to ending land grabs for good.

Clancy Moore – GROW Campaign Lead

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