
Factory X commit to pay a living wage

Factory x blog

We’re excited to share that Factory X — who own Dangerfield, Alannah Hill, Jack London and Gorman and more — have made a real commitment to ensuring the women who make our clothes are paid a living wage! 

Last year, Factory X published the names and locations of their factories, taking an important step towards supply chain transparency. Now, after years of campaigning from Oxfam supporters, they are making a plan to ensure all the women who make their clothing are being paid enough to cover the basics, including food, adequate housing, education and healthcare. We’ll be watching Factory X brands to see how they progress, and look forward to sharing more good news. 

Factory X own the brands Dangerfield, Alannah HillJack LondonGormanPrincess HighwayL’urv, and Autonomy 

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