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A new way of life in Ethiopia

Imagine if the lifestyle your family had led for generations was on the verge of extinction. Would you cling determinedly to the old ways or would you bite the bullet and make whatever changes were necessary to survive? Herding families in the southern Ethiopian village of Melka Guba were forced to make this decision. Years […] Read more »
Balcha with her family

Nine hectares of hope: irrigation in Ethiopia

New agricultural know-how and a sense of community have turned Ethiopian widow Balcha’s life around. Despair has been replaced by hope and an unfamiliar sense of possibility… Read more »
Supplies ready to be dispatched to Ethiopia. Photo: Amy Christian/Oxfam

Seventy tons of aid sets off for Ethiopia food crisis

On 17 July, a huge batch of life-saving aid was dispatched to drought-stricken Ethiopia from Oxfam’s Bicester warehouse, including water, sanitation equipment and plastic sheeting for shelter. Take a look at our slide show to get some idea of the shipment’s scale. Read more »
Photo: Sophie McGrath/Oxfam

“A better life will come”: bringing water to Hindeysa, Ethiopia

Ethiopia is one of the countries hardest hit by the drought currently affecting East Africa. But for a small village in Somali region, the construction of a borehole has brought not only water but a sense of optimism too. Read more »