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Photo: Lara McKinley/OxfamAUS

Our fundraising performance

For every $1 that Oxfam Australia* spends:

  • 73 cents goes to our program and humanitarian work
  • 19 cents is invested in efforts to attract donations to fund our work
  • 8 cents is spent on administration to ensure our organisation runs smoothly and in accordance with regulations

*These figures apply only to general funds. For every $1 donated to our emergency appeals, 90 cents goes to our emergency response work and 10 cents covers costs associated with promoting our appeals, operating our toll-free call centre, processing and receipting donations and auditing and financial accountability.

What are fundraising and promotion costs?

In our financial accounts, we use the definition of “fundraising costs” contained in the ACFID Code of Conduct when deciding appropriate costs to classify.

Under this definition, our public fundraising and promotion costs include all costs related to raising revenue from the public including:

  • The production and mailing of fundraising materials
  • The cost of promotional or marketing campaigns
  • The costs of establishing and maintaining public donor databases
  • Funds paid to third parties to provide fundraising services
  • Donation related bank fees
  • The cost of personnel involved in preparing and conducting marketing and fundraising campaigns.

Government, multilateral and private sector fundraising costs include the costs of personnel and related expenses involved in the preparation of funding submissions for, and reporting against grants from government, multilateral organisations, corporate and philanthropic organisations.