English / Bahasa
The pump in this photograph seems outdated compared to the electric pumps available these days—where you only have to turn a knob and the water comes pouring out. The old pump in this photo is hand operated, you have to push it up and down to bring up water from the well.
The water from the well is actually fresh, clean and clear. But unfortunately this single pump is used by about 10 different rental houses (20–30 people) and because of the large amount of people using it sometimes the water comes up murky. This is the sort of pump that is generally used in rental house areas, including my family’s neighbourhood.
Besides water, we also share our electricity with our neighbours. Sometimes the fuse blows because too many of us are using the electricity at once. So we have to tell each other whenever we want to use an appliance that needs a fair bit of electricity. If I want to do the ironing, for example, I have to go and inform all the neighbours!
Image: Sewani/OxfamAUS
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Image: Sewani/OxfamAUS
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Berbagi fasilitas di kampung
[singlepic id=150 w=320 h=240 float=right]Sumur pompa itu adalah bentuk pompa ‘tua’ (konvensional) dibanding pompa jaman sekarang yang menggunakan listrik, tinggal pencet tombol air terpompa ke kran. Pompa tua ini digerakkan dengan tangan, turun-naik untuk mengeluarkan air dari sumur. Air sumurnya sendiri sebenarnya jernih, bersih dan segar. Tapi sayangnya sumur pompa ini digunakan untuk sekitar 10 pintu (maksudnya kontrakan), jadi saking banyaknya pengguna (penghuni 1 kontrakan bisa 2-3 orang), kadang2 air yg keluar sudah keruh. Pompa begini umum digunakan di kontrakan-kontrakan, termasuk di kontrakan yang dihuni keluarga saya.
Selain air, kami juga berbagi penggunaan listrik. Kadang-kadang, saking banyaknya penggunaan listrik dalam waktu bersamaan, listriknya mati. Jadi kami harus slaing memberitahu jika kami menggunakan listrik yang cukup menyedot daya, misalnya waktu menyetrika.
Foto 1: Sewani
Foto 2: Lara McKinley/OxfamAUS