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Photo: Ainhoa Goma/Oxfam

Cancun: Message in a bottle

SOS: calling all supporters! As we move into the second week of the UN climate summit, we need you to help us send a message of urgency to government representatives meeting in Cancún, Mexico, including Australia’s own Minister for Climate Change, Greg Combet.

For two days starting today Oxfam is taking messages from tweeps, facebookers, & bloggers around the world, which we’ll then print and place into a giant inflatable bottle that will be displayed outside the conference centre where the negotiations are being held. Our UN Climate Tracker Phil Ireland – who blogs daily from the meeting – will also take the messages direct to the Australian government delegation.

This is your opportunity to leave your mark on negotiations — in 140 characters or less.

How do I take part?
It’s easy. If you’re on twitter just update your status and make sure your use the #tweetbottle hashtag, that way we’ll know when your tweet has come through. Otherwise, simply leave your message in the comment box below (but please try keep to 140 characters or less).

What message should I send?
With experts stating that emissions needs to peak within the next decade, and with many of the world’s poorest communities already suffering the effects, climate change is pressing issue — so a tweet with some urgency would be best. You might also want to consider who your message could be directed to (using the @ function) or what other hashtags you could use alongside #tweetbottle.

You might like to send a message to Prime Minister Julia Gillard, asking her to support the implementation of a global climate fund:

@JuliaGillard – please support the creation of a global climate fund at the #Cancun climate talks. #tweetbottle

Or maybe you’d like to direct your message to Climate Change Minister Greg Combet:

Greg Combet should know the Australian public expect real action on climate change. We should lead the world by example. #tweetbottle

Or perhaps send your thoughts to all the delegates currently in Cancun:

To the #Cancun negotiators: don’t let #COP16 be another missed opportunity #tweetbottle

But really, we’d like you to use your own message – it will be all the more powerful that way!

How will you use my message?
We’ll print a selection of the best messages we receive onto boards, which we’ll then place in our large inflatable bottle. And then we’ll put the bottle outside the conference centre – right in front of where government delegations will be. UN Climate Tracker Phil will also hand over a selection of the messages to the Australian government delegation.

So c’mon – put your message in the bottle and ensure your voice is heard in Cancún!

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