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Our latest video. Inspired by Coldplay. Starring you.

Wow. We asked you – Coldplay fans, Oxfam supporters and creative geniuses – to send us photos and videos of ordinary things out of place, and you responded in thousands. You sent 7,000 pics and films, from 55 countries, in five continents! (What, no Coldplay fans in Antarctica?)

Now, with Coldplay’s support, we’ve made a great music video to highlight the problem of land grabs.

Why “out of place”? To echo the displacement of land grabs: big land deals that put people and their possessions out of place, forcing them from the place they call home. You ran away with the idea: vacuuming trees, jamming in the street, dining in elevators and even dining in the ocean!

Why photos and videos? Because Coldplay donated us an exclusive acoustic version of their song, In My Place, and their music video director, Mat Whitecross, helped create a music video using your submissions.

What’s the point? To send a message to the World Bank. The Bank influences how land is bought and sold on a global scale. It has the power to step in and play a vital role in stopping land injustice. Recently the Bank has acknowledged it has a part to play in tackling land grabs. Now, just before the Bank’s Spring meetings, we’re using your creative ideas, and Coldplay’s music, to tell them to make good on their word.

Let the World Bank know the world is watching: watch the video, share it, and tweet @WorldBank now.
.@OxfamAustralia, @Coldplay and I want @WorldBank to help #stoplandgrabs Pls RT

You can also write to the World bank about this important issue.

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