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Photo: Ben Adams/OxfamAUS

Why I haven’t given up

English / Bahasa
There is a principle that I won’t let go of here—and that’s freedom of association. Five years ago, 33 of us lost our jobs in contravention of our human rights and freedom of association.

And to be honest with you, I don’t believe Adidas if they say that what happens in their supply factories is beyond their control. If Adidas says that they cannot intervene in the factories that produce its products then they are talking rubbish.

Send a message to Suwandi…

Suwandi is looking forward to hearing what others think about the situation faced by factory workers in Indonesia and elsewhere. He is also happy to answer any of your questions. But please be patient as it may take him a few days to respond.

Note: The content of this blog is produced by and reflects the personal views of individuals, including workers and union leaders based in Indonesia. The views expressed in this blog are therefore individual views and do not necessarily represent the view or position of and are not endorsed by Oxfam Australia. Further the purpose of this blog is to assist in providing a platform for individuals, including workers and union leaders based in Indonesia to communicate directly with the public and no representation is made as to the accuracy of the information. The information contained in this blog is provided only for educational purposes, and blog topics may or may not be updated subsequent to their initial posting.

Related Indonesian Blog – Blog yang terkait: Bahasa Indonesia

Kenapa saya tidak pernah putus asa

Ada satu prinsip yang tetap saya pegang, yaitu FOA (freedom of association/ kebebasan untuk berserikat). Karena lima tahun yang lalu, kami diPHK tanpa alasan yang sah karena kami berani untuk berserikat dan menyampaikan kehendak kami.

Kalau boleh jujur ya, saya secara pribadi tidak percaya kalau dibilang adidas tidak bisa intervensi di pabriknya (untuk mendukung para buruh). Ini kepercayaan saya yang kental sekali. Kami sudah memahami karakter adidas, dan kalau mereka bilang tidak bisa intervensi terhadap pabirk yang memproduksi adidas, itu omong kosong saja. Saya berharap adidas tidak akan memakai alasan itu lagi tetapi akan sejauh mana mencoba memberikan kebebasan berserikat kepada para buruh di suppliernya.

Kalau adidas bilang tidak bisa intervensi itu lucu, dan hanya melepaskan tanggung jawabnya terhadap hak-hak dan kesejahteraan buruh.

Baca ceritaku

Dukung kasus Suwandi. Tuntut adidas untuk memenuhi hak-hak buruh yang membuat produknya. Tuntut adidas memenuhi janjiannya kepada mantan buruh PT Panarub.

Kirim surat kepada adidas

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