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What is climate change?

Climate change, sometimes referred to as global warming, is a substantial and continuous change in the global average temperature, driven largely by increased carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gas emissions into the atmosphere. Learn More.

What is climate justice?

Climate justice relates to the impact of climate change on humans. Because climate change will impact the people who are least responsible for causing it, and who are least likely to be able to recover, we must seek climate justice to help them respond. Climate justice considers the impact of climate change on those who are most vulnerable to its effects — women, young people, and indigenous communities — as a human rights issue.

How is climate change affecting poverty and hunger?

According to the World Bank, global food insecurity is rising, due in large part to our changing climate. Global warming is influencing weather patterns, causing heat waves, heavy rainfall and droughts, which hurts food production and the agricultural sector. Rising food prices in 2021 were a significant factor in pushing around 30 million additional people towards food insecurity.

What should Australia be doing?

It’s critical that we take action to restrict the global temperature rise to within 1.5 degrees Celsius. Beyond this point, many countries will face devastation. We must take action at home and on the world stage to combat climate change by making a commitment to reduce Australia’s domestic emissions by 74% below 2005 levels by 2030, reaching net-zero emissions by 2035, and developing a concrete plan to phase out coal and gas from Australia’s energy supply.

Why is Oxfam working on climate change?

We believe all lives are equal and no one should live in poverty. Climate change is the single biggest threat to our vision of a just and sustainable world. It’s already hurting billions of people – from the drought-wracked plains of sub-Saharan Africa to the fire- and flood-affected regions of Australia.

What are we doing about climate change?

Oxfam is taking action on climate change through our programs, campaigns, and advocacy work. We work with communities and local partners to help people develop local climate solutions that build resilience, protect human rights, and transform lives. We are also making sure that those most impacted by the climate crisis have a strong voice to challenge the biggest polluters, and demand that those responsible for carbon emissions do their bit to support affected communities and future generations.

What evidence do we have for climate change?

The Mary Robinson Foundation, a key organisation in the climate justice movement, developed principles for climate justice, including:

• Respect and protect human rights

• Support the right to development

• Share benefits and burdens equitably

• Ensure that decisions on climate change are participatory, transparent and accountable

• Highlight gender equality and equity

• Use effective partnerships to secure climate justice