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Canberra, ACT. Oxfam Australia Intern Fazal at Parliament House.

Intern spotlight: Fazal Ullah –Straight Talk Political Engagement Internship

Fazal Ullah is currently completing an internship placement at Oxfam Australia, working alongside the First Peoples Program on Oxfam’s recent Straight Talk Summit. As part of his placement, Fazal recently went to Canberra to assist the team with the National Summit. Read more »
Members of the NSW Parliamentary Inquiry into Cultural Fishing, together with Traditional Owners, at Mystery Bay, NSW, on the morning of the hearing in Narooma in July 2022

Cultural fishing: Rights to an ancient practice left unprotected

Testimony by South Coast Aboriginal people has spelled out the cost to their communities from the refusal of successive governments to legislate cultural fishing rights. Read more »
Uncle Boydie and Jimi Peters

This NAIDOC Week, join William Cooper’s long walk to freedom

By Alf ‘Uncle Boydie’ Turner (pictured right) and Jimi Peters (pictured left) While the name Nelson Mandela is known worldwide, few non-Indigenous Australians could say very much about his equivalent trailblazers in their own country. One of those trailblazers was William Cooper (1860-1941), a proud Yorta Yorta man, political activist and community leader, who a century […] Read more »
Oxfam Trainee Sophie Gardner

Volunteer spotlight: Sophie Gardner (First Peoples Program)

Sophie Gardner is completing an internship through the CareerTrackers program in the First Peoples Program at Oxfam Australia. In this article, she talks about her experience as a trainee at Oxfam. Read more »
Budget 2018 fails to give a fair go

Budget 2018 fails to give a fair go

If you haven’t had the chance to go through the budget papers with a fine-toothed comb, never fear – here’s our breakdown of how the budget stacks up against the fairness test on some of the biggest issues: justice for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander People, our Australian aid budget, action on climate change and our plans to tackle inequality. Read more »