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Kathmandu, Nepal: Durga (4th from L), founder and owner of a local weaving business with her employees. Together we're supporting thousands of women like Durga to set up their own businesses in Nepal.

How you’re helping women artisans set up shop in Nepal

Thanks to you, we’re able to support 2700 earthquake-affected men and women with the tools and training to set up their own businesses in Nepal. Read more »
A Rajana artisan at work. Photo: Antonia Taylor/OxfamAUS

War and peace: the story behind Rajana’s bombshell jewellery

When the manager of Oxfam Shop’s Fremantle store went to Cambodia recently, she visited the producers of our popular ‘Doves of peace’ bombshell jewellery range, Rajana. This is their amazing story. Read more »
Blogs Youth handmade NA 6001

3things on handmade happiness, the environment and dads

What has the 3things project been up to lately, you ask? Plenty! They chatted to crafter Kelly White about making, meding, and doing. They looked at the treatment of dolphins, and this big blue planet we share with them. And they gave you some tips for Father’s Day shopping — it’s Sunday! Read more »
Photo: Bonnie Savage/OxfamAUS

On the road with Kylie Kwong, part 2

Days 3 and 4 of Kylie Kwong’s Vietnam trip, and she’s shopping for fresh produce on the streets of Hanoi so she can cook a big thank-you lunch for all the fair trade artisans she’s met during her stay. Read more »
Photo: Lisa Roberts/OxfamAUS

Made in Moradabad: the Noah’s Ark effect

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One of Oxfam Shop’s valued producer partners, Noah’s Ark has brought the benefits of fair trade to the Indian town of Moradabad. Trading Director Nadine Silverberg watches their artisans at work. Read more »
Photo: Bonnie Savage/OxfamAUS

On the road with Kylie Kwong

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Celebrity chef Kylie Kwong visits Vietnam to meet the fair trade artisans producing the gorgeous tableware range she is designing for Oxfam Shop. Joining Kylie in Hanoi was Oxfam’s Raina Hunter. Read more »