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Photo: courtesy of Greater Geelong City Campus

Make Poverty History Geelong Electoral Forum

Make Poverty History are holding an electoral forum in Geelong, to enable voters the chance to ask our political leaders their views and policies on:

  • Tackling global poverty and achieving the Millennium Development Goals
  • Increasing Australia’s overseas aid commitments
  • Developing adaptation funding and a global agreement on climate change

80% of Australians support the government committing 0.7% of national income to aid. Yet Australia gives less than half this amount and lags behind most wealthy nations.

Deakin University, Waterfront Campus
1 Gheringap St, Geelong

Tuesday 29th June 2010

Richard Marles MP (Australian Labor Party)
Don Gibson (Liberal Party)
Gavin Brown (Australian Greens)
Andrew Hewett (Make Poverty History)

Please RSVP to or via the Facebook event.

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