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Photo: Tim Herbert/OxfamAus

Recruitment re-shuffled, but remains unfair

English / Bahasa
The recruitment process carried out by adidas supplier CLI is unsound and unfair. Having sent job applications to CLI on many occasions, and I found many aspects of their recruitment process to be unjust. Adidas has acknowledged this and have responded that they would carry out a reshuffle and make changes to the CLI management hierarchy. But I’ve found that the new management is not much different.

My own recruitment experience serves as evidence of this fact. Earlier this year I was finally offered to sit a Test carried out by the CLI human resources department. The official who supervised the test was from the management of my former workplace Panarub (where I was unfairly dismissed for my participation in a strike). Anyway, I was told that I failed the test and management said to just send another application- the same old tune as always.

I feel certain that this whole HR process is only to fulfill formal requirements. It is just for show—so that the company can appear humane and ethical.

I still want to be accepted for work at CLI. Both Adidas and CLI are aware of the fact that I’ve applied to work there over and over again. This even resulted in the staff reshuffle. But at its essence the problem remains the same.

Adidas must be firm and discipline all its suppliers so that they don’t muck about and put on shows that only hide the fact that internal processes are not transparent and remain seriously flawed.

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Suparjo would love to hear your thoughts and is happy to answer your questions. But please be patient as it may take him a few days to respond.

Related Indonesian entry – Bahasa Indonesia

Soal perekrutan di supplier adidas

Soal perekrutan yang dilakukan oleh pihak manajemen CLI, sangat tidak sehat dan adil. Di mana setelah kirim Lamaran Pekerjaan berkali-kali ke CLI, dengan banyak temuan-temuan yang tidak adil dalam proses perekrutan yang dilakukan pihak manajemen CLI, yang mana proses diakui oleh pihak adidas dan dengan alasan melakukan resafel atau digantinya jajaran manajemen di CLI akan tetapi pekerjaan manajemen pada dasarnya sama tidak baik.

Ini dibuktikan dalam proses dipanggilnya saya sampai pada tahapan tes yang dilakukan oleh HRD CLI yang dipimpin Exs. Panarub yang menjadi atasan HRD. Hingga saya dinyatakan tidak lulus yang hanya disampaikan untuk coba kirim lamaran pada lain waktu, hal ini adalah lagu lama yang sering disampaikan Manajemen.

Saya sangat yakin proses itu hanya untuk terpenuhi perekrutan secara formal,dan ini sandiwara yang sudah menjadi budaya supaya nampak manusiawi dan beretika.

Saya tetap menuntut agar di terima kerja di CLI. Di mana saya telah kirim lamaran berkali-kali yang itu di akui pihak adidas dan Manajemen, hingga berdampak di resafelnya HRD CLI. Tapi pada dasarnya hakekatnya sama.

Dan adidas wajib tegas dan memberikan sangsi pada setiap perusahaan suplaiyer agar tidak bersandiwara dan bermain-main.

Note: The content of this blog is produced by and reflects the personal views of individuals, including workers and union leaders based in Indonesia. The views expressed in this blog are therefore individual views and do not necessarily represent the view or position of and are not endorsed by Oxfam Australia. Further the purpose of this blog is to assist in providing a platform for individuals, including workers and union leaders based in Indonesia to communicate directly with the public and no representation is made as to the accuracy of the information. The information contained in this blog is provided only for educational purposes, and blog topics may or may not be updated subsequent to their initial posting.

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