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Walking for Climate Action – August 15, 2010

Sefya Funge, a mother of eight, lives in central Ethiopia. For years Sefya and her husband have made their living as farmers, selling their crops of maize, wheat, barley, and teff. Rainwater was plentiful and their crops prospered.

Today, the rainfall patterns are so erratic that Sefya’s crops rarely survive and she struggles to make ends meet. Her family had to sell their cattle because there was no grass or water source for them to feed on.

Nowadays people in Sefya’s village have to walk 15 – 36 km in search of water for drinking and washing because traditional sources have all dried up.

Climate change is happening, and much faster than predicted.

The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change estimates that 50 million more people will be forced into hunger by 2050 due to climate change – about 75% of that number will be in Africa.

Climate change is a big problem. But if we all work together we can make a difference. It’s time to stand up and be counted.

On Sunday 15 August – one week before the federal election – join thousands of Australians around the country as we Walk Against Warming and tell the politicians it’s time for them to face up to their responsibilities on climate change.

Heavy water-filled barrels perched on their heads, many people must trudge for hours in blistering heat, just to get their water.

It’s time for us to do some walking too… for Walk Against Warming. All our futures depend on it.

Oxfam Australia is proud to be a national partner of Walk Against Warming in 2010, visit their website for more details.
Read more about Sefya and climate impacts in Ethiopia.

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