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With a little help from our friends

If, like us, you’re feeling red-in-the-face-angry about the disappointing climate change policies on offer by our major political parties, have we got the remedy for you!

As you know, Oxfam is a national supporter of Walk Against Warming, Australia’s biggest day of community action on climate change. This year (very cleverly) the walk is happening on Sunday 15 August just one week before the election. So it’s a fabulous opportunity for us to all let out feet do the talking and tell our pollies that it’s time for them to pull their socks up and take seriously their responsibilities on climate change.

Can you help us turn up the heat on our politicians? We are asking for your help in four simple ways:

  1. Walk on the day: It would be fantastic to see as many of you as possible on the day walking to show the politicians that we want real action on climate change, action at home to reduce our pollution and action internationally to support developing countries cope with climate change.
  2. Volunteer: The walk organisers are looking for volunteers on the day and in the lead up. In the lead up, they need for people to help with logistics and to distribute posters and flyers. On the day, they are asking people to volunteer their time to help with bucket collections, event support and marshalling (if you always wanted to wear a bright orange jacket and wave your arms around, this is for you!)
  3. Organise a regional walk: If there’s not a walk planned for your city, why don’t you get some mates together and get one happening? You’ll be provided template promo materials and your event will be promoted on-line.
  4. Spread the word: If you think walking against warming is a good idea, make sure everyone else knows it to. Get busy and blog it, tweet it, facebook it, chalk it on the pavement, do whatever you need to and get the word out there.

How to get involved?
To walk with the Oxfam Australia group contact your local campaigner:

  • NSW – Cara Bevington
  • QLD – Kate Palmer
  • WA – Paddy Cullen
  • SA/NT – Judee Adams
  • VIC/TAS – Clancy Moore

If you can help out the event organisers with promo in the lead up or put your hand up to assist on the day, check out the Walk Against Warming website or get in touch with

  • ACT – Susanna Chung
  • NSW – Su Fei Tan
  • QLD – Jess Poole
  • WA –
  • SA – Kim Jarmyn
  • TAS – Emma Anglesey
  • VIC – Josie Lee or register your interest here

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