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Right now Oxfam is responding to emergencies around the world, including the recent earthquake and tsunami in Indonesia.

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In late October 2010, Indonesia was struck by a trio of disasters. An earthquake and resulting tsunami in Sumatra killed at least 272 people and displaced more than 500. The eruption of Mt Merapi, one of the most active volcanos in the world, has displaced nearly 70,000 people in Java.

Oxfam is working with the Indonesian government and other agencies on the ground to coordinate a response to both emergencies. In Sumatra, where local and federal government are in control of the immediate situation, our response will likely focus on reconstruction and rehabilitation efforts.

In Java, where the government has asked for immediate help, we’re distributing hygiene kits and assessing additional emergency needs. Our goal is to distribute 4,000 kits to people who have been displaced by the eruption.

Watch this space for further updates about the situations in both Sumatra and Java, and our continuing response.

(If you’d like to help out, you can make a donation to our International Crisis Fund, which enables us to respond to emergencies around the world as they unfold.)

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