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Photo: Caroline Gluck/Oxfam

What would you say to the person who picks your tea?

Fairtrade Fortnight starts this Sunday! And this year, Oxfam is partnering with the Fairtrade Association to bring out two fascinating speakers to tour here and in New Zealand.

Senarath Yatigammana from Bio Foods in Sri Lanka (the organisation behind Oxfam’s new Fair tea range) and Cecilia Granadino from MINKA Fair Trade in Peru will be touring, answering your questions and appearing at a number of special events.

So take the opportunity to talk directly with Senarath and Cecilia and find out just how Fairtrade works in practice, and how their communities have benefited from your choice to switch to Fairtrade.

What would you like to say to the person who picks your tea? Join us online for one of these live events:

Senarath will be appearing in person at various events around the country, including some Oxfam meet-and-greets, to which you are invited! Come along and hear about his experiences with fairtrade  in Sri Lanka.

  • 6:30pm Monday 9 May – Oxfam Sydney offices, 25 Cooper St, Surry Hills
  • 12pm Monday 16 May – Oxfam Melbourne offices, 132 Leicester St, Carlton
  • 12pm Thursday 19 May – Oxfam Adelaide offices, 5 Hutt St, Adelaide

Visit Fairtrade Fortnight for details of other events happening as part of Fairtrade on Tour.

What you can do:

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