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Photo: OxfamAUS

Make your own submission to the carbon price legislation

Up until the end of August individuals, communities and organisations are invited to make a submission to the government with their comments on the proposed carbon pricing legislation.

A submission is a fancy word for a letter that you email to the Government. You can write it in your own words, and don’t worry if you don’t know all the nitty gritty details.

We have written a few keys points you could include in your submission (also check out our handy Q&A on the Carbon Price). But if you can, just use these as a guide and put them into your own words. Politicians will pay more attention if they know you’ve written it yourself!

Key points you might want to include:

  1. I am concerned about the impact that climate change is already having around the globe, in particular the impacts on poor people in developing countries.
  2. I support the Australian government taking action to tackle climate change.
  3. I support a price on pollution because it makes polluters pay for the carbon pollution they produce
  4. I support the government increasing their emission reduction target to 80% by 2050. But I also want to see an ambitious 2020 target. Over the past few years research has consistently shown that developed countries like Australia need to cut their emissions — by at least 40% below 1990 levels by 2020 — for the world to avoid the most dangerous impacts of climate change.
  5. I am disappointed that legislation does not include a provision for a small proportion of revenue raised from a carbon tax to support developing countries who are most threaten by climate change and least able to adapt to the impacts.

Some extra points you might want to include:

  1. As a high per capita polluter, Australia has a responsibility to act, and we have the capacity to do something about it. Inaction now will cost more later on.
  2. I support the $10 billion funding for renewable energy and the establishment of an independent body to oversee how it is spent.
  3. I support the creation of the independent Climate Change Authority to recommend on the future caps for the emissions trading scheme (ETS).

What you need to do:

  1. Fill out this Submission Cover Sheet
  2. Write your submission (save as PDF if you can, but don’t worry too much if you can’t)
  3. You can address it to: The Carbon Price Legislation Branch
  4. Email your cover sheet and submission to by August 22, 2011.
  5. OR You can mail it to this address:

Carbon Price Legislation Branch
Climate Strategy and Markets Division
Department of Climate Change and Energy Efficiency
GPO Box 854

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