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Australia pricing pollution will impact global efforts on climate change

With the carbon price legislation entering parliament this week, I had the timely opportunity to meet with Australia’s Ambassador for Climate Change, Louise Hand in Canberra recently.

I took the meeting as a chance to pass on your comments and questions from previous blogs and discussed the role of Australia putting a price on pollution on international efforts to deal with climate change. Louise who is Australia’s lead negotiator at the UN climate talks was optimistic, stating:

“Australia’s carbon price legislation is an important step in global efforts to tackle climate change and will encourage other countries to reduce emissions and work towards a global deal.”

She also described how European negotiators and diplomats were quick to congratulate Australia for announcing plans to put a price on pollution.

Louise also highlighted the important role that we play as Climate Trackers in getting action on climate change:

“The UN Climate Trackers project has successfully given people the opportunity to engage with the UNFCCC process and be part of the movement working to get international action on climate change.”

Personally, I think Australia legislating to put a price on pollution is a good first step. However, as the developed world’s biggest per-person polluter, I believe we also have a responsibility to support countries adapt to the impacts of climate change by providing additional money to fill the Green Climate Fund and continue to work towards a fair and just global agreement on climate change at the UN Climate Summit in 2011.

Locally and globally, the rest of 2011 is crucial in getting action on climate change. Our parliament will attempt to pass the carbon price legislation, UN climate talks will take place in Panama in October and the all important UN Climate Summit in Durban, South Africa will begin in late November.

Until then, you can show your support for action on climate change by signing this on-line petition, commenting on the blog or becoming a fellow climate tracker and join the campaign for action on climate change.

Over the next few weeks, our team will be contacting you for your ideas, feedback and possible involvement in a new group of core trackers so that we can continue to influence the negotiations in 2011.

Keep on tracking,

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