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Land is Life comes to Kew

Oxfam Australia launched the Land is Life photographic exhibition on the 4th of September at the QPO building in Kew, Melbourne. The exhibition highlights how climate change is impacting on people living in the island nations of Tuvalu and Kiribati.

Organsing the launch and having the opportunity to put up each photo, I was reminded of the devastating impact that climate change is having on people’s culture, food and water supplies and land. The exhibition also reinforced how resilient and adaptive the people of Tuvalu and Kiribati are in the face rising sea levels, storm surges, crops being destroyed and land washed away.

The launch event brought together a wide range of community groups and individuals who were all showing support for action of climate change. The event was wonderfully MCed by Carolyn Ingvarson and featured moving speeches from Tuvaluan representatives, Emeretta and her son Ethan and a representative from a local youth group, Suzanne Bouillet. Oxfam Australia Executive Director Andrew Hewett and Kooyong MP Josh Frydenberg also gave moving speeches about the need for action on climate change.

To underpin the message and to bring the event to a close, 5 short Land is Life films were shown, giving further context to the issues the Pacific Islanders are facing. These powerful short films can be viewed here.

The exhibition will be up at Kew Library until the 5th of October.

Ben Campbell is a volunteer with Oxfam Australia

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