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Eritrean women supporter traditional coffee ceremony

World Food Day in Brisbane

A sunny Brisbane Sunday saw about 100 supporters turn out for Brisbane’s Eat Local Feed Global event at Northey Street City Farm.

Senator Larissa Waters attended as guest speaker and was joined by supporters for a tree planting to help mark World Food Day, alongside speakers from Northey Street Cityfarm and Oxfam.

In a brief speech, Senator Waters highlighted how Grow campaign supporters in Queensland witnessing the impacts of coal seam gas expansion across agricultural communities were well equipped and motivated to draw local to global links about the risks to food production and impacts on poor people in countries around the world struggling against land grabs.

A fantastic team of Grow volunteers gathered signatures to our current land grabs petition, encouraged supporters to plant a seedling in the Grow planter box and helped display Land is Life images to highlight how affected communities from the Pacific to South Africa are working to challenge broken global food systems.

Participants also enjoyed tastings of Oxfamshop’s Indigenous bushfoods inspired product range, as well as an Eritrean coffee ceremony prepared by Brisbane’s Eritrean Women’s and Family Support Network who operate the popular Muooz Eritrean Restaurant.

Check out more photos of activities held as part of Eat Local Feed Global.

by Oxfam Queensland Campaign Coordinator Ann Matson

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