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Call on Original Marines to end intimidation of factory workers

Original Marines is facing international criticism for its ongoing failure to respect and uphold the rights of women and men making its products in Indonesia. Although the iconic Italian company claims to have ‘always helped families’, this has not been the experience of the families of workers who lost their jobs trying to improve working conditions at an Original Marines supplier in Indonesia.

Earlier this year 45 workers found their contracts discontinued after joining a union to address unfair working conditions at a garment factory in Central Java which makes clothing for Original Marines.

In official reports to the Clean Clothes Campaign (CCC), employees at the factory tell of long working hours and forced unpaid overtime, referred to as “loyalty hours”. Workers have little job security, with as many as 90% employed on short-term contracts or as casual workers. Dozens of workers who have joined the recently established independent workplace union have had their contracts discontinued, despite the fact that the factory continues to hire.

According to Indonesian union confederation KASBI, unionized workers have also faced black-listing and serious intimidation from security personnel.

The CCC, Italian union Filcams Cgil and KASBI have launched a global campaign to support the rights of workers making Original Marines clothing. To find out more see the below links.

CCC action: Write to IMAP, the owner of Original Marines

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