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We’re exited to be taking part in Blog Action day 2010 – on Friday 15th October we’ll join with thousands of bloggers around the world to collectively talk about: Water.

Blog Action Day is an annual event that unites the world’s bloggers in posting about the same issue on the same day. The aim is to raise awareness and trigger a global discussion around an important issue that impacts us all.

First and last, the purpose of Blog Action Day is to create a discussion. Bloggers take a single day out of their schedule and focus it on an important issue. By doing so on the same day, the blogging community effectively changes the conversation on the web and focuses audiences around the globe on that issue.

The topic for 2010 has been announced, and it is water. You don’t need to be a water expert to participate – you just have to be interested in joining thousands of other bloggers from more than 100 countries in collectively raising awareness of one of the most important issues facing our world.

After all, clean water is essential for our survival, but dangerously scarce. Nearly one billion people in the world today don’t have access to clean water and 42,000 people die each week from water-borne diseases. And the issue doesn’t stop there – water availability impacts a wide variety of issues from the environment to women’s rights and from technology to fashion.

Last year, the conversation around climate change brought voices around the globe together to discuss an issue that threatens us all and mobilized tens of thousands of people to get more involved in the movement for a more sustainable future. This year, with the theme of Water, hopefully we can collectively shed light on this often-overlooked topic.

Check back in with us on October 15th to read all about it!

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