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Eat Local Feed Global 2013

The world produces enough food to feed everyone yet 1 in 8 people go hungry. Astonishingly, 80% of the world’s hungry are involved in food production! There are things that you can do to improve injustices in the food system, and you can start by signing up to share a meal with your family, friends or co-workers this World Food Day.

As we approach World Food Day this year on Wednesday 16 October, our recently released Food Transformation report has revealed that mothers across the world are crying out to know how they can buy, store and prepare food in a sustainable way. Not just sustainable from an environmental perspective, but sustainable in the sense of making sure everyone around the world gets enough to eat every day. Now in its second year, this event is a central component of our GROW campaign.

There’s a lot we can all do to Eat Local Feed Global; from eating sustainably, raising money for Oxfam’s life changing work and joining the thousands of Australians calling on our Government to do more to tackle hunger.

Hosting your own Eat Local Feed Global activity at home, in your community or at work, gives you the opportunity to discuss these issues. You can talk to your friends and family about where your food comes from and why so many are still going hungry. It also gives you an opportunity to discuss the steps you might like to take in future, not just to better feed your own family, but how your actions can assist others around the world to get enough to eat.

What better way to consider the issues around our food supply than by sharing a meal? Thousands of supporters in dozens of countries will be doing just that in the week surrounding World Food Day. We’ll provide you with all the resources and information you need to make your event a success over the coming weeks.

You can also choose to help raise money for Oxfam’s important work in tackling poverty and fixing our broken food system. Register your own fundraising page and we’ll provide all that you need to add a donation element to your event.

It’s easy. What we are asking you to do as part of this year’s Eat Local, Feed Global activities is share a meal, morning or afternoon tea, or perhaps just a cup of coffee. Get some friends, family, neighbours, school or workmates together and raise awareness around how we can build a future where everyone has enough to eat. Register your support now.

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