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Score the goals comic book

SCORE THE GOALS: Teaming Up to Achieve the Millennium Development Goals’ is a 32-page educational comic book featuring 10 football UN Goodwill Ambassadors, who become shipwrecked on an island on their way to playing an ‘all-star’ charity football game. Whilst on the island, the team has to tackle the eight MDGs along their journey towards being rescued.

The comic book is primarily aimed at 8-14 year old children and provides a fun interactive way to help them understand, familiarise and reflect about the eight MDGs as well as inviting them to take action through several activities provided in the adjoining educational guide.

Currently the comic book is available in English (.PDF, 5.7MB) and French (.PDF, 4.6MB). Other languages (including Arabic, Chinese and Russian) will be made available in the near future.

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