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Children at Woza Moya preschool

How Kerri changed the world

When you include a bequest in your Will to Oxfam, you can achieve extraordinary things for people living in poverty.

Kerri’s mum and sister will always remember Kerri (pictured right) for her intelligence and her loving and caring nature.

She will also be remembered for her “beautiful smile, which could light up a room”.

“Kerri believed in helping those less fortunate and she always attempted to make a positive difference to people’s lives — however great or small. Kerri was a firm believer in doing the right thing and she always stood up for what she believed in.

“We weren’t surprised when Kerri’s Will revealed that she had left a gift to Oxfam. For as long as we can remember, Kerri always said she was going to leave part of her Will to a charity and she chose Oxfam because she believed in the great work they do and wanted to make a difference to people in need.

“Kerri was a daughter and a sister we were very proud of.”

By leaving a gift to Oxfam in her Will, Kerri has made an enormous difference in two communities in different parts of the world. Her gift provided water tanks to schools in South Africa and gave children clean water to drink. She also helped villagers in Timor-Leste to grow sustainable crops, feed their families and earn an income well into the future.

Photo: Alfredo Prado/OxfamAUS

Oecussi, Timor-Leste: Farmer like Jose (pictured) learnt innovative ways to plant their crops and now have the tools and seeds to improve their community’s future.

Photo: Max Bastard/OxfamAUS

Ixopo, South Africa: Children from Woza Moya School now have access to clean, safe drinking water thanks to generous people like Kerri who left a bequest in her Will to Oxfam.

Thanks to Kerri, families will have enough food to eat and won’t be exposed to deadly water-borne diseases like typhoid. Kerri’s gift made it possible to change people’s lives and help them escape poverty for good.

If you want to make a difference like Kerri, consider including a bequest in your Will to Oxfam.

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