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Courtesy Australian Human Rights Commision

Talking about human rights

The Australian Human Rights Commission has developed rightsED, a range of education resources for teachers with the aim to help students explore and develop a critical understanding of human rights and responsibilities, as well as developing the attitudes, behaviours and skills to apply them in everyday life.

The website itself is easy to navigate, with search options by topic or key learning area. There’s a comprehensive range of resources, from activity sheets to multimedia resources. The resources are targeted at Year 9 and above but still relevant for Years 7 and 8. All rightsED resources can be downloaded for free or ordered for your classroom.

As a teacher, I love the fact that I have the flexibility to use a complete package for a term-long program or a single stand-alone resource to supplement other programs. I would also be confident to direct students from Yr 9 onwards to the website for them to use as a reference.  The site has publications, articles and my two personal favourites, podcasts and current media releases. Enjoy getting your students up to speed with human rights issues!

Further resources

Oxfam does a lot of work in the area of labour rights, and we’ve created a range of related educational resources to be used in the classroom.

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