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The things that Oxfam is calling for

  1. Voice, Treaty and Truth: Adopt the recommendations of the Uluru Statement from the Heart and create a Makarrata Commission to supervise a process of agreement-making between governments and First Nations, and truth-telling about Australian history. The Constitution should be amended to create a Voice to Parliament that provides advice on issues affecting First Peoples.
  2. Implement UNDRIP: The National Cabinet should develop an action plan to implement the self-determination provisions of the UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples through a program that mandates this principle in all service delivery for Indigenous peoples.
  3. Negotiated Settlements: Federal, State and Territory governments should legislate frameworks for reaching negotiated settlements with Traditional Owner groups as an alternative to drawn out legal battles, and support autonomy for First Peoples communities to negotiate treaties and agreements.
  4. Expand Justice Reinvestment Programs: Australian governments commit to expanding Justice Reinvestment programs around Australia, and establish a national coordinating body as recommended by the Australian Law Reform Commission’s Pathways to Justice
  5. Reduce the Age of Criminal Responsibility: The age of criminal responsibility in Australia is just 10 years of age, and this is used to detain many Aboriginal children. Oxfam supports the Raise the Age campaign’s demand for lifting this threshold to 14, in line with many western nations.
  6. Transfer Power to Communities: Australian governments transfer power and resources to First Peoples communities through a long-term strategy that matches communities and organisations to service delivery, and builds the capacity of community leaders to manage these entities.
  7. Tackle Over-crowded Housing: Develop and deliver a ‘Good Health for Good Housing’ program in partnership with the National Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Housing Authority that will reduce over-crowding and improve the quality of living conditions for First Peoples.
  8. Expand Land and Sea-Based Organisations: Australian governments expand land and sea-based organisations through the Indigenous rangers program, and by developing business opportunities through trusts to support Indigenous communities and businesses in the fishing, timber and natural resource management industries. This strategy must include Traditional Owner-led management and control of Crown land, water and other public natural resources.
  9. Strengthen Accountability for Service Delivery: Australian governments create an independent, Aboriginal-led accountability body in each of their jurisdictions that can monitor, investigate and report on funding of services to First Peoples.