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Mother in West africa

West Africa: the plights of a forgotten crisis

Having already left everything behind, many displaced families now seek shelter in some of the world’s poorest communities that lack access to basic services like water and sanitation. Read more »
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Naughty or Nice?

This Christmas, some clothing companies have been behaving better than others. Read more »
Trading Christmas catalogue

Have yourself a very ethical Christmas

This Christmas, you can help shape the world we live in. Here are four easy ways to make your Christmas an ethical one. Read more »

Caught in the crossfire: stories from Iraq

Families face a terrible choice between staying in ISIS-controlled areas, where many have suffered violence and food shortages, or risk their lives to escape the fighting. Read more »

Displaced from home: stories of survival and solidarity in Nigeria

A largely unknown humanitarian crisis is deteriorating in Africa, forcing more than 2.6 million people to flee their homes. This story aims to give them a voice. Read more »
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Volunteer spotlight: Spud, Oxfam Shop Volunteer of the year

Spud has been volunteering with Oxfam since 2010 and is a passionate supporter of fair trade and Oxfam Shop. He was recently awarded the Oxfam Shop Volunteer of the year for his incredible contribution. Read more »

Mini’s Remarkable Story of Change

Like many Ni-Vanuatu young women, Mini Mului had always enjoyed school, but had to leave when she fell pregnant. Read how her life, and the lives of many other young Ni-Vanuatu people were changed forever as a result of Youth Challenge Vanuatu, a partner of Oxfam. Read more »
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Africa: the crisis you don’t know about

Violence in the African countries of Nigeria, Niger, Chad and Cameroon, has forced 2.7 million people to flee their homes. Millions are going hungry, with thousands already expected to have died. Read more »
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Schools in action: William Angliss Institute host awesome hunger banquet

Hunger affects one in nine people around the world. And thankfully, there are things each of us can do, even at school. Things that tie-in with who we are, our interests, and the people we meet. We just need to think laterally. Read more »
pac quote

10 quotes that show why Pacific nations are leading the world on climate action

For our Pacific Island neighbours, climate change is a matter of survival. At the same time, they are lighting the way to a brighter future with smart climate solutions and bold leadership. As these inspiring quotes by the leaders of Pacific nations show, it’s time Australia followed their lead. Hilda Heine, President of the Marshall […] Read more »