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What would you do in these circumstances?

With a record 65 million people currently displaced around the world, it’s easy to forget we’re talking about real people facing real danger. These are the stories of just five refugee children and their families. Ordinary people forced to make extraordinary choices as they flee war, violence and persecution. Read more »
Volunteering at Oxfam is a great way to meet people , like Oxfam's FUSE team, pictured here.

Volunteer spotlight: Jessie from the IT team

There’s more than one way to give with Oxfam. Jessi is one of Oxfam’s many volunteers who are using their professional skills to help people living in poverty around the world. Find out how you can too. Read more »
Marie holds her water container that she received from Oxfam

Tackling hunger, thirst and disease

With just four kilometres separating us, Papua New Guinea (PNG) is Australia’s closest neighbour. And last year, millions of people in PNG were facing hunger, thirst and disease on our doorstep Read more »
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An ordinary father taking extraordinary action

Ordinary people are performing extraordinary acts in the hope of a better life for their families. Worldwide, more than 65 million people have been forced to flee their homes to be free from conflict, violence and persecution. This includes around half the Syrian population. Read more »

Where have we arrived after 25 years, more than 400 recommendations, and an eight-week election campaign?

Over recent years there have been some positive developments on Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander rights and justice within Australia. Read more »
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Four key lessons from election 2016, and how we move forward

What does our recent federal election mean for ending poverty around the world? With caveats of course, we’re pretty optimistic it shows we’re turning a corner. Read more »
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Women MPs stride forward, but women’s issues remain lost

The cliff hanger Federal election has been a bitter-sweet moment in the ongoing battle for gender equity in Australia. Oxfam Australia’s Chief Executive, Dr Helen Szoke says the major parties are yet to learn the value of engaging with women on the issues that matter to them. Read more »

OXJAM is back for 2016

Megan Washington and Art vs Science have come on board as OXJAM’s official ambassadors, encouraging music lovers around the country to throw their own gigs and parties to fundraise for Oxfam. Read more »
Elizabeth, an Oxfam supporter, stands in front of a brick wall

A belief in equality led Elisabeth to choose Oxfam in her Will

A belief in equality and the right of everyone to a decent life led long-term Oxfam supporter Elisabeth Jackson to include a gift to Oxfam in her Will. We recently asked Elisabeth to share her dreams for the future. Read more »
Two young girls in Nepal

What is a beneficiary of a Will?

Many people find that they’re able to give more generously to Oxfam through their Will than they ever could during their lifetime. In fact, you might be surprised to hear what just a small percentage of your estate can achieve. Read more »