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Time for peace Montreux 2

Geneva II peace talks: where are the voices of Syrian women?

There is something almost surreal about the setting for the Syrian peace talks taking place in Switzerland this week. Montreux is breathtakingly beautiful, the snow-topped Swiss Alps rising starkly over Lake Geneva. Yet this is where world leaders are to decide the fate of Syria and to try and end the brutal war which has […] Read more »
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Arms to Syria: A barrier to peace

The conflict in Syria is close to entering its fourth year. Ordinary Syrians are the victims of this humanitarian catastrophe – deliberately targeted by those fighting, their cities destroyed, often deprived of food and water, millions have been forced to flee for their lives.  A conflict that began in the political turmoil of the Arab […] Read more »
Oxfam campaigners in

Syria peace talks begin at last, but Syrian civil society and women sidelined

After months of postponements, the long-awaited Geneva II Conference to find a political solution to the crisis in Syria began yesterday in Montreux, Swtizerland. At the end of the first day of the conference, Oxfam’s Humanitarian Policy Advisor Shaheen Chughtai gave a wrap up of progress so far.    It took a monumental diplomatic effort […] Read more »
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A time for hope for Syria

Oxfam campaigners are amongst the hundreds of diplomats, journalists, civil society and solidarity groups gathering for the beginning of the long awaited ‘Geneva 2’ peace talks for Syria in the tranquil town of Montreaux, on Lake Geneva in Switzerland. Police are patrolling the edges of a security fence which rings the buildings where the talks […] Read more »
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A New Year’s Resolution for Syria

2013 was an immensely difficult year for the people of Syria, the most devastating in a conflict now almost three years long. You can take action now to help people affected by the violence. This time last year, around 500,000 refugees had fled Syria to neighbouring countries. Now, this has more than quadrupled to an […] Read more »
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Worst Middle Eastern winter in decades brings hardship for Syrian refugees

While Australia is in the midst of a hot summer, tens of thousands of Syrians forced to flee their homes are struggling through a long, bitterly cold winter – the worst to hit the Middle East in decades. Oxfam is there providing support to over half a million refugees. Written by Vanessa Parra – humanitarian […] Read more »

In the eye of Typhoon Haiyan

We were thinking it was the end of our lives. I was worrying about my family because my family were living near the shore. Read more »
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Hope in the aftermath of Typhoon Haiyan

I saw the signs before I saw the damage. As we drove northward on the Filipino island of Cebu to the hard-hit city of Daanbantayan a week after the typhoon, young children lined the streets, holding up pieces of cardboard that said “Please help, we need food and water.” Read more »

Aid delivered to the people of The Philippines

The Oxfam rapid assessment team flew into Samar, the first place to be hit by Typhoon Haiyan. Here are some photos of the scenes they saw, and the Oxfam team’s preparation to respond. Read more »

The scene in Tacloban

There are still body bags beside the road, and as the clean up continues the bodies are still being discovered. There is so much to do, so it is important for Oxfam that we concentrate on what we do best, and what is needed at this early stage of the recovery. Read more »