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Photo: Cameron Feast/Oxfam

Ursula’s message to Cancun

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Our friends at Oxfam New Zealand talk to Ursula Rakova from the Carteret Islands shortly before she left for the climate talks in Cancun Read more »
Photo: OxfamAUS

Weeks to Christmas, and climate action still underway

Who said it’s the silly season? Climate action has been running hot in Brisbane, with a Federal Community Cabinet, Fair Trade Markets and a fundraiser for our Pacific neighbours relocating due to rising seas. Read more »
Photo: Oxfam

Calling for a fair, global climate fund

Oxfam has joined with 215 other organisations in calling for the establishment of a fair global climate fund at COP-16 that will meet the needs and interests and protect the rights of the most vulnerable communities and people around the world. Read more »
Minister for Climate Change, Hon Greg Combet

Welcome Minister. It’s time to roll up your sleeves

Australia’s Minister for Climate Change, the Hon Greg Combet, has arrived in Cancun, landing himself in the middle of tense and fragile negotiations. Taking on the role of co-facilitating the negotiations on finance, technology and capacity building, he has a unique opportunity to steer one of the more important outcomes of these climate talks. Read more »
Photo: Lucy Brinicombe/Oxfam

The future of bee-keeping in Honduras

Honduran bee-keeper German Garcia Lara is feeling the effects of climate change, as he struggles with increasingly unpredictable rain patterns, longer dry spells and warming temperatures that threaten the production of his hives. Read more »
Photo: OxfamAUS

Our fair share

Earlier this year Greg Combet stated in an address to parliament, that “Australia will do its fair share as part of the global effort – we’ll do no more and no less than other countries.” But when comparing the actions of Australia to the majority of other countries in the developed world we are doing less, a lot less. Read more »
Photo: Oxfam

Beyond the US vs China on climate

International attention has focused on the US and China this year – over the global economy as much as the fight against climate change – but Cancun is about much more than a G2 world. Despite what you might read – the climate change debate is about much more than the US vs. China. Read more »
christiana figueres

Christiana Figueres on hope and necessity

Last week the trackers had the opportunity to meet with the UNFCCC executive Christiana Figueres, and talk about the status of the Cancun talks and her motivations for working with countries to find common ground to make real progress on addressing climate change. Read more »
Photo: Ainhoa Goma/Oxfam

Cancun: Message in a bottle

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As we move into the second week of the UN climate summit, we need you to help us send a message of urgency to government representatives meeting in Cancún, Mexico, including Australia’s own Minister for Climate Change, Greg Combet. Read more »
Image: Oxfam

Australia moving forward in Cancun

Tension lingers as the crucial UN climate negotiations in Cancun unfold. It is not anticipated that we will get a full treaty from this meeting. However, there are several different ways Australia can play a powerful and constructive leadership role in Cancun. Read more »