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VR 360° Film: Evelyn’s Story

Meet Evelyn, an 11-year-old girl from remote Turkana county in Kenya.

Evelyn and her community were facing an extreme water crisis, only getting access to clean water for about two hours every eight days, if at all.

Follow Evelyn in her search for water and experience the incredible impact we can make together to the lives of people living in poverty.

For optimum viewing, watch on the YouTube app on your Samsung smartphone with the Samsung Gear VR headset.

You and Oxfam, tackling poverty together

With the help of generous supporters like you, we were able to build a solar-powered water system to provide Evelyn’s community with clean and safe water. By making a regular donation, you can provide more families like Evelyn’s with access to clean and safe water so they can enjoy healthy, productive lives.

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Nichole Sobecki/Panos/OxfamAUS