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Photo: Lara McKinley/OxfamAUS

About adidas’ responsibility

English / Bahasa
What is the point of codes of ethics or codes of conduct if they are only names thrown about but never implemented? Adidas’ systems need to match up with the principles it purports to support. Freedom of association, and the rights of workers themselves should be given—workers should not be made to beg for them. Adidas has had many years now to fix up the systems at its supply factories so that they are fair and free of discrimination. But every time I’ve applied to new Adidas suppliers I have this fear, this worry that I won’t be successful, that I will be discriminated against because of my past union involvement.

It’s really ironic isn’t it? Adidas sponsors celebrities for its international marketing at great expense, it even contracts soccer stars like David Beckham. Yet has Adidas ever tried to prioritise the people making and not just marketing its products? Adidas has a responsibility here and needs to think about that.

Send a message to Suwandi…

Suwandi is looking forward to hearing what others think about the situation faced by factory workers in Indonesia and elsewhere. He is also happy to answer any of your questions. But please be patient as it may take him a few days to respond.

Note: The content of this blog is produced by and reflects the personal views of individuals, including workers and union leaders based in Indonesia. The views expressed in this blog are therefore individual views and do not necessarily represent the view or position of and are not endorsed by Oxfam Australia. Further the purpose of this blog is to assist in providing a platform for individuals, including workers and union leaders based in Indonesia to communicate directly with the public and no representation is made as to the accuracy of the information. The information contained in this blog is provided only for educational purposes, and blog topics may or may not be updated subsequent to their initial posting.

Related Indonesian Blog – Blog yang terkait: Bahasa Indonesia

Tanggung jawab adidas

Saya berpikir apa gunanya sebuah kode etik/code of conduct itu kalau itu hanya judul saja, tetapi tidak dipraktekkan dalam satu sistem? Sistemnya tidak sesuai dengan teorinya. Kebebasan berserikat, kemudian hak bagi buruh-buruhnya sendiri harus dijamin, tanpa perlu diminta.

Sangat ironis ya? Adidas mensponsori artis-artis untuk marketingnya di dunia internasional, dan itu sangat mahal sekali, sampai mengkontrak pemain sepak bola seperti David Beckham. Tetapi apakah Adidas pernah coba lebih mementingkan buruhnya sendiri. Soal responsibility tidak sekedar kata, tapi harus dipraktekkan. Setelah di-PHK oleh PT. Panarub Industry tahun 2005, hingga saat ini sangat sulit bagi saya untuk mendapatkan pekerjaan. Beberapa perusahaan yang memproduksi sepatu berbagai merk tidak mau menerima saya untuk dipekerjakan karena exs Pengurus PERBUPAS PT. Adidas telah berjanji untuk ‘melindungi’ hak-hak kami untuk mendapat kesempatan kerja yang baru. Adidas telah berjanji akan berusaha untuk menjamin bahwa sistem rekruitmen di pabriknya akan tanpa diskriminasi. Akan tetapi saya rasa kami sudah di-blacklist sehingga sangat sulit sekali untuk mendapat kesempatan pekerjaan. Saya sudah berusaha secara maksimal setiap hari melamar tetapi tetap saja sulit. Padahal pabrik supplier adidas CLI lebih memilih pekerja yang baru lulus sekolah (daripada kami yang sudah berpengalaman).

Baca ceritaku

Dukung kasus Suwandi. Tuntut adidas untuk lebih menghargai buruh yang membuat produknya.  Tuntut adidas memenuhi janjiannya kepada mantan buruh PT Panarub.

Kirim surat kepada adidas

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