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Pakistan floods: Surviving against the odds

Last week world champion boxer Amir Khan visited Pakistan with Oxfam, and saw first-hand what life is like for people who have lost everything in the floods. The British-born boxer, whose family is from Pakistan, visited an aid camp on a college campus in Charsadda, a badly hit region in the province of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa. Khan talked to women and men living in the camp, and took part in Oxfam’s distribution of aid.

“You don’t realise the reality of this disaster until you’re here talking to people who have been left with nothing,” Khan says during his visit. “It’s really upsetting to see the extent of the devastation – but the people I’m meeting are extremely tough and are finding ways to survive against the odds. They need our help as they start rebuilding their lives.”

Watch the video of Khan’s visit.

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