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climeart video

ClimARTe video competition

CLIMARTE is inviting YOU to produce a creative, inspiring and engaging thirty second or one minute video showing why we need a carbon tax to put a price on carbon pollution. Accepted videos will be displayed on their website and sent to politicians, policy makers, artists and arts institutions. There’s even the possibility of getting one onto TV!

The brief is to make a thirty second or one minute video that supports or explains the benefits of the proposal to put a price on carbon pollution by implementing a carbon tax, and/or or to show the fallacy of the scare campaign against taking action on climate change.

Australia is at a crucial crossroads – if we don’t take this small first step on the road to serious action on climate change, the political fallout could see the issue once again languish in the too hard basket. So we need to get this message out strongly and urgently!

We can’t wait to see what this campaign results in!

You can submit your video here.

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