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Image: OxfamAUS

Oxfam’s campaigns – what you thought

Towards the end of last year, we asked your, our loyal supporters, what you would like from us in the big digital world of online campaigning. It’s an area we’ve dabbled in before, with the highly popular Talking Kev campaign in the lead-up to the Copenhagen climate talks, our ongoing discussion space A Climate For Change and the Make Poverty History Wishing Tree, not to mention our ongoing blogs and actions.

But we’re still keen to improve this area of our work, and that’s where your input, thoughts and comments come in. Thank you to those of you who responded to our request. For those of you interested in what the collective thoughts were about our work, here’s an overview of some of the main findings:

Over 90% of you access the Internet at least once a day

You are generally most interested in the Make Poverty History campaign, with Climate Change, Close the Gap and Fairtrade campaigns close behind.

Most of you would like to influence key national leaders through our campaigns (a sentiment we can definitely agree upon, and look forward to improving.

You’d like to see us strengthening and improving our work with other NGOs in our online work, as well as exploring new and different ways of educating.

More than 2/3 of you have never been a member of a political party.

Nearly 90% you are already on Facebook, with a range of other social networks also coming up as strong contenders for ways to engage with our campaigns.

Of course, this is just a sampling of the many results we received, but interesting nonetheless. We’re keen to take your thoughts and make them a reality, so watch this space for new and exciting campaigns and ways to interact with our work! 2011 will be a new year in many respects – particularly in the online and new technology fields.

As always, you can contact us to become more involved. If you have a specific interest or talent in digital campaigning, we’d love to hear from you!

Follow our work on Facebook and Twitter, and make sure you are signed up to receive our Activist email alerts for ways to take action.

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