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A message from the Za’atari Refugee Camp

I have recorded a brief message for you from the Za’atari camp in Jordan. You can view it above. As I watch the people living in this camp collect clean, safe water to drink, I’m constantly reminded that our wonderful Oxfam supporters helped to put this tank here. These refugees live in this camp without […] Read more »

No place for children

This man has five children and has shifted at least 10 times in the past seven months. He has one child who is diabetic and his one-year-old son has serious heart problems. Access to medical care is a big issue. Read more »
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“Their homes had been razed to the ground”

I can’t even begin to imagine what it must be like when the temperatures hit the extremes – snow in winter and searing heat in the summer. So imagine then what it is like if you’re a Syrian refugee, having fled to Jordan for your safety and the safety of your family, and now you have to find a way to survive in this country. Read more »
Sugar truth

The countdown begins: 6 days until launch

By Clancy Moore, GROW Campaign Coordinator On Wednesday 2 October we will launch the next phase of Behind the Brands. The details of this are top-secret until launch, but this exclusive teaser video made by one of our Design for Change volunteers gives you a sneak preview of the campaign to come. Sign up now to […] Read more »
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See Tom run

Tomorrow afternoon, Sydneysider Tom Denniss will run into Circular Quay in Sydney, making the Sydney Opera House the finish line for a marathon. Read more »
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Anne Batt – Gets a medal for 52 years of volunteering with Oxfam

On World Humanitarian day, August 19th Anne Batt received a medal in recognition for 52 years of volunteering for Oxfam from The Minister for International Development, Melissa Parke. The theme for the day was we need more…and Minister Parke very aptly suggested we need more Anne Batts’. Anne Batt first volunteered in Hobart in 1961 […] Read more »
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Interview with Mr Chheng: the man working within the system

By Robin Narciso, Oxfam Australia Oxfam Australia, WWF and the Danish Government Aid Agency (Danida) have been collaborating with Cambodia’s Inland Fisheries Research and Development Institute (IFReDI) to produce and provide the Cambodian Government with scientific information regarding the possible impacts of the dams on the Cambodian people. Recently, IFReDI, which is a Cambodian governmental […] Read more »
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Walking Across America

‘How often do you see a guy pushing a stroller along highways in the middle of America?’ Weird looks and odd questions have been a part of Benjamin Lee’s daily routine since May this year when he started walking from one side of the USA to the other to raise money for Oxfam. He has been […] Read more »
Women and Dams

The Impact of Mekong Dams on Women

One of our areas of work in the Mekong Region is ‘Hydropower and Gender’. But what does the construction of dams have to do with gender relations? Good question. I asked myself the same thing when I started my experience with Oxfam. Not because I didn’t appreciate working towards gender equality, but because I couldn’t […] Read more »
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Marshalling the Pacific Response to the Climate Challenge

In 2010 Oxfam visited Kiribati and Tuvalu to gather stories on climate change impacts in the Pacific. Next month all eyes will be turning to another low-lying country, the Marshall Islands, as they host the Pacific Island Forum. Spread across two remote chains of coral atolls near the equator, the Marshallese are among the most […] Read more »