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As the Ebola outbreak spreads, here’s how you can make a difference

Officials have quarantined many areas to try and stem the spread of a deadly virus that has already claimed the lives of almost half the people infected. You can help. How severe is the problem now? The World Health Organisation warns there could be as many as 10,000 new cases of Ebola per week by December if […] Read more »
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Ebola crisis spreads

Officials have quarantined many areas to try and stem the spread of a deadly virus that has already claimed the lives of almost half the people infected. You can help. Read more »
Photo: Pablo Tosco/Oxfam

South Sudan’s food crisis

South Sudan is facing the world’s worst food crisis, driven by the conflict that erupted in December 2013. Unless there is an end to the fighting, this food crisis will continue. More than two million people are facing severe food insecurity in South Sudan.  As the dry season begins, the brutal conflict that provoked this disaster is about […] Read more »

Stand #WithSyria; demand an end to indiscriminate attacks

This powerful new film from the #WithSyria campaign is nothing short of the real catastrophe that has been taking place for more than three years. Use your power to hold the UN Security Council to their word and help end the bombing of Syrian civilians. Read more »
Photo: Abhilash Lahkar/Oxfam

Flooding in India: Worst disaster to hit Jammu and Kashmir region in a century

Oxfam is responding to flooding in India that has affected people in 2,500 villages in the Jammu Kashmir region, in the worst natural disaster to hit the region in 60 years. Read more »
Photo: Maya Hautefeuille/Oxfam

Millions of Syrian refugees abandoned

Despite being the largest humanitarian crisis in the world, the international response to the Syria Crisis is failing. Three and a half years on, the generosity of neighbouring countries such as Lebanon and Jordan is at breaking point, and refugees and poor communities are paying the price. Read more »

End violence against women in Papua New Guinea

In Papua New Guinea (PNG), violence against women is part of everyday life. A shocking 50% of women have experienced abuse. At just 10 years old, Ruth lost her mother. She had no choice but to live with her uncle and aunt where she experienced regular beatings. Mama Rasta was accused of sorcery by her […] Read more »
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Gaza ceasefire welcome – but now it’s time to end the cycle of violence once and for all

After 50 days of intense violence, a new ceasefire in Gaza has been agreed between Israel and Hamas. It’s a welcome and much needed respite for civilians on all sides, following a conflict that has come at a terrible human cost. More than 1,500 civilians in Gaza, and six in Israel, have been killed and […] Read more »
Photo: Iyad al Baba/Oxfam

Gaza Crisis: Open letter to Julie Bishop

On 20 August 2014, twelve of Australia’s biggest international humanitarian and development agencies wrote to Foreign Minister Julie Bishop, calling on the Australian Government to urgently push for a permanent ceasefire in the Occupied Palestinian Territory and Israel, and unhindered access for humanitarian assistance for civilians in Gaza. Read more »
Elizabeth and baby Swampy. Photo: Kieran Doherty/Oxfam

Famine looming over the people of South Sudan

Elizabeth and her five children live in a shared tent with 20 other people. Her husband was shot and killed, and her families’ home has since been burned down. Now, Elizabeth is worried about what will become of her and her children. Read more »