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Government must not go ahead with cuts to Aboriginal Legal Services

The Federal Government is set to defund the peak National Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Legal Services (NATSILS) and all law reform and policy officer positions in affiliates across the country today. The $9 million of cuts would mean the appalling over-representation of incarcerated Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people is likely to get worse. Read more »

Have yourself a Very Ethical Christmas

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Oooh! Can you smell that? That intoxicating mix of mango, suncream and pine trees tickling our nostrils? It must be December. ‘Tis the season to be jolly and we’re getting caught up in the festive cheer, stocking up on fair-trade goodies  and chuckling at the behind the scenes videos of errant chooks and calves clucking […] Read more »

Oxfam Unwrapped Photo Shoot

Behind the scenes at the Oxfam Unwrapped photo shoot from earlier this year. Animals aren’t always the most cooperative models but we think they are very cute and were very well behaved…mostly. Read more »

If Only All Great Discussions Could Happen In Bed

It’s the oft-posed hypothetical: who would your ideal fantasy dinner party guests be? Oxfam’s Design for Change staff, never ones for conventionality, decided to take that one step further last week and plot who they’d like to be in bed with. Read more »

In the eye of Typhoon Haiyan

We were thinking it was the end of our lives. I was worrying about my family because my family were living near the shore. Read more »
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Seven year old Mungo is busking for the Philippines

Last week we received news of an amazing seven year old boy, Mungo. After he saw the devastation of Typhoon Haiyan he wanted to do something for the people of the Philippines. Mungo put his ukulele lessons to good use by busking outside his house, raising $50 in the process. We think he’s amazing and shows […] Read more »
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Hope in the aftermath of Typhoon Haiyan

I saw the signs before I saw the damage. As we drove northward on the Filipino island of Cebu to the hard-hit city of Daanbantayan a week after the typhoon, young children lined the streets, holding up pieces of cardboard that said “Please help, we need food and water.” Read more »
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Brisbane on the trail to ending poverty

In just a few short years, Oxfam Trailwalker Brisbane has become one of Queensland’s premier outdoor events, raising in excess of $3 million and leaving a life-affirming footprint on the hundreds of teams, supporters and volunteers who have been involved. This week, registrations opened for the fourth Oxfam Trailwalker Brisbane event. Read more »
Oxfam walks out of Warsaw Climate Conference

Unprecedented walk-out: Oxfam joins hundreds to protest poor climate change action

It’s a sad fact. Climate change will hit the world’s poorest the hardest. Due to a lack of progress and ambition at the Warsaw Climate conference, Oxfam has joined many other environmental and humanitarian groups to declare ‘enough is enough.’ Read more »

A Message in a Giant Bottle

“What are you doing with that 2 meter tall bottle of Pepsi?” asked the conductor at Sydney’s Central Station this morning. After Coca-Cola’s announcement that they are taking a zero tolerance approach to land grabs – we decided to deliver a message in a bottle to Pepsi-Co asking them to do the same. Oxfam research has […] Read more »