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Boxer Amir Khan and Oxfam help build schools in Pakistan

It’s not often you hear about champion boxers raising money for the needy, but that’s exactly what British-Pakistani light-welterweight Amir Khan has done for flood-affected communities in Pakistan. In partnership with Oxfam, he’s helped build five schools in areas that lost theirs in the 2010 floods. Read more »
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Banking on buffaloes: Sen’s story

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In the final interview of our ‘Banking on buffaloes’ blog series, we talk to Sen about how her life has changed since she became involved with her village’s buffalo bank program. Read more »
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Banking on buffaloes: Na’s story

What a difference a buffalo can make! Meet Suy Na, a rice-farmer and father of eight. Since getting involved in his village’s buffalo bank, he’s been able to feed his family better, send his kids to school and build a larger house. Read more »

World Water Day — 22 March 2012

World Water Day (22 March) was established by the UN to raise public awareness about safe water. This year, its focus is the relationship between water and food security – a topic Oxfam Australia just happens to know a thing or two about… Read more »
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Closing the Gap profile: Moss Vale High School

Oxfam volunteer Sarah Morris profiles Moss Vale High School, where students are preparing for National Close the Gap Day, one of the biggest days on their school calendar. Read more »
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Banking on buffaloes: Sokim’s story

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Bouncing buffalo babies, cassava crops, and no more food shortages: May Sokim talks about how Oxfam’s buffalo bank has changed her life and given her hope. Read more »
Photo: Sarah Crozier/OxfamAUS

Community care workers in South Africa have their say

Oxfam partner Woza Moya provides care and support to people affected by HIV and AIDS in KwaZulu Natal, South Africa. In these videos, their community care workers talk about their work. Read more »
Photo: Dustin Barter/OxfamAUS

Banking on buffaloes: Met’s story

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Meet Yuh Met. An agricultural labourer and former soldier, Met (52) and his family live in Kandek village, Cambodia. They were among the first in their village to benefit from Oxfam’s buffalo bank program and, since receiving their gentle giant, they’ve gradually been able to turn their lives around. Before the buffalo Met will never […] Read more »
Photo: John Sones/OxfamAUS

Oxfam number three in Top 100 Best NGOs

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Robert Fox, Oxfam Canada’s Executive Director, discusses The Global Journal ranking of Oxfam as number three on the world’s Top 100 Best NGOs list. Just a coincidence that it’s Oscars time in Hollywood, but we’ve had our own moment in the spotlight with The Global Journal ranking Oxfam number three on the world’s Top 100 […] Read more »

A new way of life in Ethiopia

Imagine if the lifestyle your family had led for generations was on the verge of extinction. Would you cling determinedly to the old ways or would you bite the bullet and make whatever changes were necessary to survive? Herding families in the southern Ethiopian village of Melka Guba were forced to make this decision. Years […] Read more »