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cancun global agreement

Cancun: steps towards a global climate agreement

Oxfam’s Climate Change Campaign Coordinator Cara Bevington gives a brief rundown on the outcome of the recent climate talks in Cancun, Mexico Read more »
Photo: OxfamAUS

Bon Jovi, Perth & Oxfam

It’s early December, and what better way to spend the time campaigning than pedaling our climate change messaging at a Bon Jovi concert? Read more »
tweet in a bottle

Delivering your #tweetbottle messages

Yesterday, our team took your #tweetbottle climate messages directly to the COP16 climate negotiations currently underway in Cancun, Mexico. Read more »
Photo: OxfamAUS

Weeks to Christmas, and climate action still underway

Who said it’s the silly season? Climate action has been running hot in Brisbane, with a Federal Community Cabinet, Fair Trade Markets and a fundraiser for our Pacific neighbours relocating due to rising seas. Read more »
Photo: OxfamAUS

Oxfam Summer: World Music & Queenscliff

Oxfam Australia’s 2010 Summer Campaigners recently hit two awesome music events this month: the Australian World Music Exhibition (AWME) and the Queenscliff Music Festival. Read more »
Photo: OxfamAUS

A fair global climate fund – vital, and within reach?

Oxfam volunteer Jessie had the opportunity to ask Parliamentary Secretary for Climate Change and Development Mark Dreyfus some important questions on Australia’s action on climate change, before he headed off to the Cancun climate talks. Read more »
thailand climate change

Thailand: finding innovative solutions to climate change

Around the world, people are fighting climate change in extraordinary ways. Watch this animation to learn how rice farming communities are adapting in Thailand. Read more »
Photo: OxfamAUS

Delivering my story from Sudan to Australia

Dok Majok, a volunteer working in the WA Oxfam office, had a chance to tell his story of climate impacts in his home country of Sudan to the Member for Fremantle Melissa Parke, and the Foreign Minister Kevin Rudd. Read more »
Photo: OxfamAUS

Campaigning in Sherwood Forest (well… Fremantle)

Lydia reflects on her time as an intern with Oxfam Australia, and the work she’s helped shape in promoting the Robin Hood Tax to the public, local MPs and the Foreign Minister Kevin Rudd. Read more »

G20 meeting disappointing

Campaigners, NGO’s and the governments of nations most at risk have once again been disappointed by the outcomes (or lack thereof) from this week’s round of G20 meetings. Read more »